About Us

Destination Indonesia is een laagdrempelig bemiddelingsbureau voor stages en minors, gevestigd op het prachtige eiland Lombok. Lombok is het ultieme tropische en nog niet al te toeristische eiland, kortom DE PLEK om jouw buitenland ervaring op te doen. We hebben al meer dan 10 jaar ervaring in stagebemiddeling, spreken vloeiend Indonesisch, zijn in het bezit van legale Indonesische vergunningen en werken nauw samen met locale provinciale kantoren.

Geen standaard vacatures, Destination Indonesia bied uniek maatwerk, wij gaan op zoek naar een stage aan de hand van JOUW WENSEN.
Destination Indonesia staat voor:

  • Het verbeteren van de mogelijkheid tot stage, afstudeeropdrachten en vrije minors
  • Het verbeteren van de begeleiding van stagiaires in Indonesië 
  • Het vergroten van de internationale samenwerking
  • Uitwisseling van kennis en ervaring


Internship Possibilities

Destination Indonesia has various options for an internship, minor or group project. For the most part we place students on:
  • Primary education
  • Secondary education
  • Vocational secondary education
  • Special education
  • Inclusive education
NGOs / Provincial Authorities in the field of:
  • Rehabilitation
  • Disability rights
  • Female rights
  • Human trafficing
  • Education
  • Healthcare
Is your interest field for an internship not listed? Don't panic, please contact us to see what other options there are.


Sustainable and Social Responsible

Destination Indonesia finds it important that students not only come here to do an internship and then leave again, but that students make themselves useful in any way to contribute to the development of local society.
Doing an internship abroad is a big undertaking, there is a lot involved. As a student you hope that you get value for the money that you're investing and that everything will be arranged properly. At Destination Indonesia you don't have to worry about this. Of every student who comes to Lombok, 10% of the mediation fee is donated a local foundation. In addition to the fact that you as a student receive full service and help before departure as well as on the spot, you also contribute to the development of local society.
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